
Website Development and Management 100%
Website Hosting and Security 100%
Creative Services 100%
Content Generation 100%
Search Engine Optimization 100%
Social Media Networking and Email Marketing 100%
Business Intelligence 100%
Digital Advertising 100%
Lead Generation 100%
Digital Public Relations 100%

Website Development

After researching the industry, competitors, and your current web presence, we’ll build a mobile WordPress website, optimized for search engines and  performance, and logically laid out to quickly deliver the answers your target audience is looking for.  When we’re done you’ll have the best website experience available within your budget.

Hosting and Security

Your custom WordPress website is hosted on a Google Cloud Server and monitored 24-7-365. Your site is backed up daily and updated as needed after the latest OS and plugin versions have been tested.  On top of fast load speeds and real-time monitoring, we’ll protect your website from malicious attacks with the leader in WordPress security.

Creative Services

High-resolution photography, motion-graphics, professional graphic design, and broadcast-quality video production are some of the ways Vox generated content separates you from your competition. Optimizing this powerful content and sharing it through your blog, newsletter, and social media networks builds brand awareness as a leader in your field.

Content Generation

The best information delivers the best content. The best content engages leading influencers who then share your message to a larger audience. We’ll know what to write, who to follow, and the best hashtags to use. From there, we’ll post client-approved, compelling original, and relevant shared content specific to your target every day.


The best content in the world doesn’t matter if no one can find it. Industry standards require that all content needs to be optimized in order to be found by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Partners like YOAST ensure that your content isn’t just packaged for human visitors, but also for AI and the tools search engines employ to help you get found.

Social Media

Traditional marketing firms use social media as an advertising channel like newspapers and television. But that’s missing the point. Vox knows how to build and manage online communities because we understand the words: SOCIAL, means people with similar interests hanging out, MEDIA, means photos and videos, NETWORKING, means sharing content.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence provides you with actionable data about your industry, brand, and competitors. And while your current website might be “pretty” can people find it? We can find the biggest keywords in your space and then craft the website copy with them to drive organic search engine results. With Vox, once you’re at the top of a page organically, you’re gonna be there awhile.

Digital Advertising

Businesses looking for instant traffic can’t rely on social media alone. You’ll need to run smart campaigns to get noticed. Our keyword research and powerful creative will put your ads in front of your target. We work directly with Google/YouTube, Facebook/Instagram, X, and Linked IN, to build vertical ad campaigns that are based on outsmarting, not outspending, the competition.

Lead Generation

Vox lead generation tools will tell you what companies came to your website including contact information, keywords used in search engines to get there, which pages they visited, and how long they stayed. We can even assign leads to different sales managers based on HOT and WARM activity. When all of our tools are plugged in, we’ll “drive the horses to water” so you can make them drink.

Media Outreach

Vox’ history with the Associated Press predates the founding of the company by 25 years. Today we can tell you which outlets post the most content about your industry, how many people they reach, and the tone of their content. We’ll build a living list of media contacts so that when we post your announcement it goes to the most interested writers and producers at the biggest mainstream outlets.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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