Social Media Optimization

 In Blogging, social media, Twitter

It’s easy to get confused about new media.  Terminology changes as fast as the technology so it’s difficult to keep up.  Certainly if you’re confused about new media I would encourage you to visit Webopedia, an online resource for all the ‘url’s’ and ‘http’ questions you might have.  But effective internet marketing strategy is relatively simple.  Picture a four legged stool where your brand is the seat.  Without four legs the stool is wobbly and without at least three it falls over.  You need three, you’ll want four.  In order they are: 

  1. Social Media Optimization
  2. Website Optimization
  3. Search Engine Optimization
  4. Pay for Performance Advertising

Social Media Optimization

We’ll discuss Search Engine Optimization in a future post, but suffice to say that Social Media Optimization is essentially SEO for your social media accounts.  While sharing and liking and connecting is as simple as a single click, generating original content takes more effort.  And that’s also what gives it more value.  So create your business social media accounts and then begin to publish compelling original content.  These ‘articles’ are called ‘posts’ and they need to be specific about your business, your market and the audience you’re trying to reach.  If you’re a family lawyer in Los Angeles you need to write about family law, handling divorce in a responsible way, and Los Angeles.  Those words and phrases are referred to as ‘key words’ and ‘key phrases’.  Once you’ve written an original post on a blog and included key words and phrases you’ve optimized that content. That is Social Media Optimization.  Now the hard part.  You have to push content regularly and as often as possible.  Daily is best, three times a week is strong, and once a week is acceptable for smaller firms.  That is ‘leg’ one:  Social Media Optimization.



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