Complete Knowledge of How the Internet and Websites Work


“I was at a networking event and speaking got to talking with the owner, Taft. I mentioned that I was bummed that I could not take a trip to NY for a reunion of all of my Navy friends from my days in the service because the prices were so high (from LA to NY over New Year, and with only a couple of weeks left). He told me about a trick to let booking sites see what each other was offering you using browser cookies so that they would try to underbid one another. I went home and tried it, and an hour later my flight had dropped from $850 to just over $600. I was stoked!  I didn’t hire Taft, he just willingly gave me a bit of internet magic that I would never have thought to use. It is his complete knowledge of how the internet and websites work, how they gather information and use it, and how to manipulate it for your own benefit that allows him to do this. I know a few people that have used him and were extremely happy, but I had never had a chance to see just how in tune he really is with online strategy until this.”

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