So what is the trick to SEO? Aside from being the very best business you can be, the trick to SEO is sharing knowledge of your business with your customers online and through your social media [...]
Content marketing is almost interchangeable with ‘organic marketing’ meaning you don’t have to pay Google, Facebook, or Linked In for it. It’s popular with small [...]
Too often a client or prospect wants to measure the ROI of working with VOX based on their sales. That’s a fair proposition provided their service is competitive, their reputation is [...]
I’m always telling clients not to “toot their horn” every time they post. It’s been awhile so here I go :). Linked In just recognized me as a digital marketing pro. You [...]
What’s the best content? Content the viewer Shares, Likes, Follows, Subscribes to, and Comments on is the best content. Picture this. Year’s ago the United States Coast Guard might [...]
I’m fond of saying that, “Nobody likes to be sold but everybody is buying.” Generally, we don’t like to be ‘sold’ especially if we’re being pitched something we don’t want. But [...]
Digital marketing in house vs. outsource. Which is better? Gary Vaynerchuck, a major internet influencer says, “The four people every startup needs for marketing and brand building: 1. An [...]
The YouTube Algorithm is Following Radio’s Lead. This is a follow up to a Linked In conversation with a senior executive at one of the largest broadcast companies in the country. Read the [...]
A Chief Insights Officer for a major national radio broadcasting company posted this statement on Linked In: “Lets face it: the only media that can insure brand safety are TV, Magazines, [...]