It’s not Quality vs. Quantity

 In Blogging, content marketing, social media

When it comes to social media marketing it’s not quality vs. quantity, it’s both. The success of your social media marketing program is relative to both how compelling your content is to your target audience and how often you connect with them. Before we address how you get there we need to determine whether or not you think social medical marketing is or might be important to you as a business owner. If you think all this stuff is a waste of time then you’re probably not reading this now. But if you think it might be and you’re willing to learn how then we can help you understand it and wrestle it to the ground. The first reason social media should be important to you is that it’s important to your prospects and customers. That’s where they are, virtually all of them. The next thing you need to determine is which networks are important to your target. For an HR firm it’s Linked In, which began as a recruiting site where one in four accounts was a recruiter. For an apparel client it’s Instagram and Pinterest where customers can share images if themselves wearing your merchandise on their pages. In general we know that people use Facebook personal pages for social interaction and Linked in for business networking. The next thing we know is that people who know and like you will share their endorsement of your business with a ‘Like’. But for those outside your network that’s more difficult. The other thing we know is that people hate traditional ads and even banner ads unless they’re for a product or service they may be interested in. The point is that if you want people to engage with your message they have to engage with you which means they have to relate to the message. So your message has to be a quality message. It has to speak to a specific audience on these social media networks and it has to mimic the things that are already important to them. In other words, if you know what’s important to your target audience before you start posting content then you’ll have more success connecting to them. So quality and relevance of your posts to your target is critical. But just as we’ve seen with Donald Trump, loud voices can drown out other voices. A big mistake that many people make with social media marketing is that they post, re-post, tweet and retweet the same content over and over again. For people that don’t know your brand that may be a way to catch their attention and then drag them into the conversation. But for existing clients and followers it’s annoying; like caps: “PLEASE STOP SHOUTING.” But your voice can be louder in different ways by posting daily and by sharing posts from other respected and recognized voices in your ‘space’ along with your posts. Over time this helps you become the authority in your field. There are many voices in many ‘spaces’ online today and to be effective with social media marketing you have to publish compelling original, (quality), content on as frequent a basis as possible. And if you can’t do it on your own you need to hire a firm that will do it for you, measure the response, and help build your online reputation to drive engagement and ultimately sales to the bottom line. So when it comes to social media marketing, it’s not quality vs. quantity, it’s both.

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