The Last Phone You’ll Ever Need
There’s a principle in industrial design called “planned obsolescence.” The concept is simple; make a product that will ‘fail’ after a certain amount of time requiring the user to buy a replacement, speeding up the sales cycle and driving more revenue to the bottom line. The tech industry has this down with space limitations, adapters and chargers, as well as software upgrades that just won’t occur on your current operating system. In effect there’s no such thing as the last phone you’ll ever need. I bring this up because there’s also no such thing as the last website you’ll ever need. Increasingly, businesses are beginning to realize this and that if you want to see any value out of your website you need to have someone on it every week if not every day. This is especially true with open platforms like WordPress where plugins are no longer supported and therefore break etc. rendering sections of the website or overall functionality inoperable. It is also true with operating systems. Who here, show of hands, has had trouble getting Microsoft to speak with Apple or vice versa? (You can put your hands down, I can’t see you, [yet]). Today, more than ever you need to understand that your website is an integral part of your business not a separate entity. Integrate it with your daily operations and online marketing efforts and watch it grow or stall even. The point is you, someone in your employ, or a third party like Vox, has to watch ‘the store’ and monitor movement. When does the needle move and then why? There’s no such thing as the last phone you’ll ever need, the last website you’ll ever buy, etc. You have to upgrade constantly and move with the technology. Not planning for obsolescence is like leaving cash on the table and hoping no one will make off with it. Learn, implement, measure, and adjust as necessary. Move with and try your best to get ahead of the technology and if you don’t have the time let’s chat about what you need and what fits within your budget.