Effective Real Estate Marketing

 In Blogging, content marketing, disruptors, real estate

Google is maps, maps is land, land is real estate.  Our very first website focused on a specific market.  We wrote more about that market than any agent  and many media outlets in that area.  As a result we had very high organic results and hundreds of leads each year.  We collected names, numbers and email addresses and eventually 1,000 new visitors each day.  In fact, we didn’t even practice real estate license until we had created demand for the service.  Unknowingly, we had built a mini AirBnB website, one of the early disruptors in real estate.  The data we collected from website visitors told us where they were located, what search terms they used to get to the website, and what content they most engaged with.  That allowed us to customize the website and even the business name to match our visitors search queries and visitng habits ultimately leapfrog bigger competitors on local searches.  We had tremendous advantages over more experienced competition and much higher conversion rates than from traditional real estate ‘farming’ tools like postcards and refrigerator magnets.  We knew more about potential buyers, sellers, and renters than any of the competition.  Once money started to come in we put it right back into marketing. Blogging and social media posts from real estate agents all looks basically the same: open houses, the difference between Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, how to stage a home etc.  To separate yourself, you need a unique message targeted to a specific audience.  Choose a niche:  high end luxury real estate, ocean front property, a specific town, flippers, vacation rentals, pocket listings, relocation, etc.  Once you know your audience you can then hire a firm like ours to target them and measure their response to the content we generate.  When you get a listing have professional videos and photographs taken and then use paid campaigns on Instagram and YouTube to get you noticed and collect leads on your mobile-responsive website.  The site should be simple, mobile, aesthetically pleasing, and integrated into the MLS IDX feed with only the listings you want shared.  If you’re a top performer this technique will absolutely drive brand awareness and eventually listings.  For new agents do what you can to learn from veterans with a strong online presence.  Real estate disruptors like REX, (Real Estate Exchange), will eventually change the game with low-end properties and the agent-client relationship may even disappear.  Whatever you decide to do make sure all the pieces are in place including blog content before you execute a media spend.  Then measure, measure, measure and talk about the location, location, location.

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