How Much Should You Spend on Facebook and Linked IN

 In Analytics, Facebook, Linked In, PPC


We use Facebook and Linked IN to connect you to your B2C and B2B targets.  Once you have a mobile website with an easy and secure online payment solution then you’re ready to drive your message. Both networks require call to action ads with brief headlines and point blank text.  Facebook has multiple ad options including videos, in stream, and display, (banner ads).  Contests, often with videos, are used to drive engagement and signups directly into your database.  In stream ads optimized for mobile will link directly to your payment buttons.  With Linked IN there are two options.  Sponsoring updates and targeted ads. Both options can be effective.  A recent ad campaign defined a target of  one million Facebook accounts within thirty miles of the client in Westlake Village, California.  The clients message is viewed by up to 20,000 people per week from 25 to 65+ years old. For Linked IN, we’ve identified 377,000 ‘C-Level’ contacts in greater Los Angeles.  These are business owners and their senior level managers.  A $10 cost-per-click ten times per day delivers ten leads per day to this client.  Your cost-per-click may vary depending on the competition from a like or similar product or service and not all campaigns are successful. However, if you have a good product or service that is competitively priced and there is a market for what you are offering then these programs work.  We’ll help you craft a message that is on point and we’ll massage it until it takes hold.  But as a rule of thumb you need to be prepared to spend $5,000 to get your message out on either of these platforms.  You’re investing in the marketing of your business and your reaching only the people interested in that message.  And besides, you only pay when people click on your message.

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