You’re Posting the Wrong Content. Many businesses, especially startups, live in a vacuum. They hear only their own voices. So when it comes to social media, Linked IN, for example, they [...]
The real reason we can’t rely on social media networks to protect Democracy is that social media networks were fundamentally built on the idea of sensationalism. The next time you look into [...]
Let’s take a look at Why Your Content Marketing Isn’t Working – Reason Five of Five: 5. You’re not connecting with those connecting with you The first post in this five post series [...]
Here are five main reasons why businesses and groups aren’t seeing a return on their content marketing or blogging and posting on social media networks. You’re publishing the wrong content [...]
Connect with Your Competition Online. Recently we spoke to a retired senior executive from a prestigious advertising and public relations firm. What came out of that conversation were three [...]
What’s a fair Cost Per Click, CPC? What’s a reasonable amount of money to spend for each click to your website? We don’t really know what the true value is of a Bing, Facebook, [...]
Inbound marketing is when you market to the people that are specifically looking for your goods and services by pushing content through social media networks and automated marketing programs [...]
One of the questions I get asked most often is “How to measure social media ROI?” It’s a question that’s difficult to answer because what everyone is looking for is a [...]
Social media is worthless. We hear this too often from individuals who don’t fully understand the digital space and from prospects with unrealistic expectations. One of our biggest challenges is [...]
As a former member of the mainstream media for 25 years and now a digital marketing strategist, I see things that traditional media outlets have missed and continue to miss. The polls were [...]