David’s Secret Weapon is The VOX Slingshot

 In content marketing

In business for almost ten years now it’s exciting to look back and see how fast we’ve grown and to watch with pride the growth of our clients. I’ve always been competitive and for most of my professional life I’ve worked with smaller firms.  It’s exciting to help them compete as David’s Secret Weapon against Goliath competitors with bigger budgets and massive internal marketing divisions. We’re proud that for our clients “David’s Secret Weapon is The VOX Slingshot.”

VOX is a content marketing, digital asset management firm.  We work on your behalf directly with Google and Facebook as an Agency Partner. In business for almost ten years, VOX works as an outsource digital marketing firm with or without internal marketing and external PR firms.

We provide web development, hosting, graphic design, content generation, inbound marketing, digital PR, media monitoring, corporate intelligence, and digital ad buys including management and creative. In effect, we review your digital footprint, compare the competition, devise strategies, and execute them. The timely and transparent data provided allows us to tweak and optimize the performance of those campaigns as more information becomes available. Our mission is to make you the absolute authority in your space.

Our purpose is to help you own the conversation specific to your product and service. We do that by:

1. Building compelling, clean, and mobile websites to share your company and product/service information in a clear, concise, legal, and logical format.
2. Designing, building, and producing widgets, info-graphics, and videos to better explain your product or service and drive engagement.
3. Monitoring your industry to locate the leading voices > media outlets, bloggers, competitors.
4. Gleaning the key words and phrases that drive those conversations.
5. Building a media database to target for digital press releases and possibly to connect you to them directly as a source for a relevant story.
6. Publishing compelling original content optimized with those key words including videos and info-graphics to educate relevant prospective consumers and professionals.
7. Use regular and automated email newsletters, blogs, and social media posts to convert visitors into email addresses and eventually into customers.
8. Designing and executing compelling branded and unbranded digital ad campaigns targeted by geo-location and interest to the audience specifically looking for your product or service.
9. Delivering powerful reports that show you exactly where you stand versus the competition in the digital landscape and what the $ value is of your exposure.
10. Constantly researching, training, and improving our skills to provide actionable data or critical information that allows you to make informed marketing decisions about your business.

We can’t sell your product or service for you but we can build an effective and mobile process to engage both B2B and B2C prospects and then tweak that process as data is collected to improve conversions. It is a certainty that future clients who utilize our full suite of products and services will be exposed to information they were not previously aware of while witnessing an increase in digital footprint, traffic, and engagement.


Why is this approach important? Better information often means better decisions. And the way people make purchasing decisions today is relative to how they consume information. Internet searches are often the way people make those purchasing decisions. They search for relevant and trusted information. If you through VOX provide that information through the most proven and effective channels and your brand is favorably presented online then two things will happen:

1. People will visit your website more often
2. Your organic search results will improve and you will “climb the page” in rankings relative to those searches

Client’s with favorable reviews online + client/VOX generated content + respected media outlet content + competitive product/service = increased sales. Today’s effective marketing strategies include compelling content generation to educate consumers and drive engagement and sales. And that’s David’s Secret Weapon, the VOX Slingshot. Education = trust = sales. It’s exactly what we’re doing here. -t

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