Before we begin building out any e-commerce solution we need to understand all of the pieces the client is using, all the ones they need, and all the ones that are incompatible. Once we’re [...]
One of my first real introductions to marketing for apparel brands was when we earned the contracts to build and manage online store programs for two large national broadcast groups. We built [...]
“I’ve got a guy that does that.” My son jokes with me about this because it’s something I say, hypocritically in this case. Usually, when a prospect says that to me [...]
“Can I Just Add Emails to My List?” is a great question. And it begs the question, would you like someone to just add your email to a list?  While you can get around it legally, [...]
While our name has evolved, VOX has been in business since 2008. We’ve watched our client base grow along with the size of the programs we manage. And while many of our competitive [...]
I worked for a man who once told me “there is no such thing as a mistake unless you keep making them. They’re learning opportunities.” He allowed me to take calculated risks [...]