This post was originally written on July 6th of 2014. Given recent developments I thought it bears repeating. The original post is now in italics: “In a previous post we discussed how [...]
Whether you understand the value of social media to your business or not there are some indisputable facts: 1. Most of your target audience uses it everyday 2. Creative account owners generate [...]
I posted recently about managing social media expectations after we lost a client. We lost them because we didn’t do a good enough job of managing their expectations. You never like to [...]
Earlier this month I hosted a breakfast seminar where I discussed the importance of Facebook ads, Google Ad Words and YouTube. I showed the 60 attendees how the programs work and why and then [...]
THIS POST ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED APRIL 14, 2016. SOME SERVICES AND SUPPORT OPTIONS HAVE CHANGED. We use Facebook and Linked IN to connect you to your B2C and B2B targets. Once you have a mobile [...]
When it comes to social media marketing it’s not quality vs. quantity, it’s both. The success of your social media marketing program is relative to both how compelling your content is [...]
Today I want to share with you how corporate branding conflicts with Google. One of the biggest concerns for large corporations, institutions, and franchisors is how to “control” the [...]
It’s easy to get confused about new media. Terminology changes as fast as the technology so it’s difficult to keep up. Certainly if you’re confused about new media I would [...]
Here’s a re-post from my blog in October 2013. Today Facebook videos are showing great promise and growth. I have stayed on the sideline but today I’m moving forward on Facebook [...]